- This bag is super cute and seems well-made but it is small... I bought it for preschool for my 4-year old but I would say it's more appropriate for a toddler sleepover bag or something along those lines. It is much too short to fit a folder and you'd have to fold up a piece of paper or art project to fit it inside. He loves it so I think I'll keep it but I might have to buy a different one for preschool. If I had bought it as a toddler carryabout bag I would have given it 5 stars for that purpose!
- The size is just right for my two year old. Don't fill it too full or they may topple over! It fits a lot. We took it on a road trip and filled it up with DVDs and CDs and books. It worked perfectly and was cute to boot!
- The Zoo Pack is the little kid backpack where fun meets function
- Roomy main compartment
- Insulated pouch for snacks and adjustable mesh bottle pocket
- Easy to clean lining
- Padded, adjustable comfy straps