- My son is 13 months old and I have been using this bag since we brought him home from the hospital. It's very spacious with lots of inside pockets. The outside pockets are great for bottles and anything else you want to grab quickly. So far my bag hassuvrived the wear and tear wonderfully. The green color makes it very gender neutral. Its goes everywhere with us. The bag has already been to two countries and survived air plan travel well. It also goes to the day care daily and again, no wear and tear. I highly reccommend it.I'm sure I'll have this bag by the time we have another child.
- Paid quite a bit for this bag in babies r us just to find it ripping apart in the inside. Very dissapointed. Lasted about 3 months.
- Spacious main compartment includes mesh and zippered pockets and built in bottle holder
- 100% nylon
- Easy to wipe interior lining for easy cleaning
- Top zip opening with velcro flap