- These gloves are very cute. I bought them for my daughter when she was 3 and they fit a bit big on her hands but they go almost up her entire arms. She loves them anyway.I've washed them many times and they are still in great shape. They are very worth the money. It will be hours of dress up time for any little girl!!
- The seller sent exactly as ordered and in a very timely manner. However, I ordered these for my 3-1/2 year old to wear with her Cinderella costume for Halloween. She is very tall, 95th percentile, with long fingers and these gloves were about 4 inches too long. I had to cut the fingers out so she could wear them. Also, they do not stay up as they appear to in the photo. There is nothing to hold them up, in fact, the elastic on the back side of the arm that causes them to pucker, actually pulls them down toward the wrist.The only nice thing about them is the plastic thing at the top with the princesses on it. Would not recommend buying these and my daughter would not wear them, even after cutting…
- Girls Disney Princess Full Length Gloves Costume Accessory
- Features full length white gloves with pink ribbonand Disney Princess Cameo.
- Size: One size fits most children.